Friday, March 16, 2012

Days 9 and 10

I haven't posted for a couple of days because I was in more pain Wed and Thur than I have been since Monday (when I got the cast).  Part of that could be due to the fact that I didn't really "rest" much on Tues and Wed morning, causing more discomfort Wed afternoon and all day Thurs; not to mention, I lost my balance Thurs morning and fell on my cast (I tried not to, but I couldn't help it).  Except for breakfast Wed morning, I have been in and out of sleep for the past two days and only ate dinner bc Ryan made me eat before I took my meds.  I have only taken my pain meds in the evening to help me sleep through the night.  I think my body has been forcing me to sleep during the day bc of the pain and lack of meds.

Breakfast: 2 eggs
Dinner:  1 grass fed beef patty-no cheese, no condiments

Dinner:  1 pork chop with green beans (minus the beans)

1 comment:

  1. OK sickie, those meds are probably not doing your tummy any favors. I want to see some applesauce and/or banana going down. They won't aggravate your tummy and they're easy to digest. I think it would help to have something to buffer the meds for your system. And I also think your body is trying to tell you it needs rest. SO REST!
